Carnegie Museum of Natural History. A very nice building inside and out. Too bad I didn't have a time to go in for the exhibition. 2004/08/26
a real life Kwik-E-Mart! In Pittsburg downtown, 2004/08/26
Pittsburg's free light rail train around the city core. 2004/08/26
Taken as I prepare to decend this steep hill with my bike. Didn't turn out too well to say the least. At a side trail of another side trail at Edward's Garden, Toronto, 2004/08/24
A Norwegian cruise ship passing by the Panama canal. An interesting place where we were our own entertainment. People on the ships and us on the lookout tower foolishly exchange waves and took pictures for the entire time they were passing through the water lifts. 2004/04/30
A monkey coming for tourist food in the jungle at Panama. Many of them came out of hiding as the tourist boat drifts near. 2004/04/30
The Atlantic Ocean taken from Panama. or is it the Pacific? 2004/04/27
A section of the largest exam area for final exams here at University of Waterloo. It's the gym at other times. 2004/04/16, one year ago today!
My second speciaty, everything-boiled-together-in-a-pot-with-noodles. 2004/04/08
The only dish that I cook at school. Everything-stir-fried-together-and-put-on-rice. 2004/03/25
A small town near Niagara Falls known as Niagara-On-The-Lake, I think. A popular tourist place in the area. 2003/10/13
Niagara river, a section after the famous Niagara Falls. 2003/10/13
One of my creations at work. As "complicated" as it might seem, it doesn't do much though. 2003/03/16
Interesting clouds covering the entire sky. And it wasn't a storm. 2003/09/24
Friday, April 15, 2005
Waterloo, Ontario. The railway running by the University of Waterloo. The building at the back is one of the university's residences.
One of my previous employers. ATI headquarter in Markham, Ontario. 2002/08/30
huge mushrooms beside a trail at Point Farms, Ontario. 2002/08/24.
Point Farms bluff overlooking Lake Huron, 9:19 pm 2002/08/24.
St. Joseph's Oratory in Montreal, Quebec. 2002/08/12
Ontario Hwy 12 north bound, 6:55am. 2002/08/12
Live bait in vending machine. Lake Simcoe area, Ontario. 2002/08/05
lost near Lake Dalrymple, Ontario. 2002/08/05
Richmond Hill Dunlop Observatory. It's close to my house.
The railway in my community. Taken 2002/07/01, Canada Day.
A farm in Ontario, during my road trip going to middle of nowhere. Taken 2002/06/30
On one of my bike trips, going north at Queensville, Ontario. Still a long way until Lake Simcoe. The white dot a kilometer ahead is Roger. Took me that long to take out the camera to snap this photo. Photo taken on 2002/06/23
I'm in the process of posting old pictures to this blog. This will replace my current photo gallery hosted on my school's server. That will soon become unavailable as I am graduating.
Giant cloth hangers. Electrical class tour. Taken 2002/11/05 at Waterloo sub-station.